It Was In A Health Class….

Describe something you learned in high school.

I took this health related class my junior year of high school with Mr. Paul Johnson. He was such a cool teacher.

I loved this class btw, I had a group of friends in here and I looked forward to this class everyday. We would laugh uncontrollably, tell secrets, notice things that others didn’t and honestly it was more of a giggle class than anything.

Anyways, we were taking a test and my friend was letting me cheat off her test. One of the questions was a fill in the blank.

It said,

“When in doubt, (fill in the blank)”

I could have sworn my friend wrote, “pull it out”.

So on my test I wrote, “when in doubt pull it out.”

I finished the rest of the test and my teacher begins grading our tests while he let us do whatever.

As my teachers grading at his desk he calls my name.

Mr Johnson: “Marie, come up here…..”

Me: “Yes….”

Mr. Johnson: “What does this say?”

Me: “Ummm……When in doubt pull it out?…..”

*we just stare at each other for a moment and I realize how inappropriate that sounded and that it definitely was not the answer*

Mr. Johnson: “It’s THROW IT OUT.”

Me. “That’s what Kristina wrote though!”

We all started laughing immediately! Me, the teacher, and my classmates! It was hilarious. I’m laughing now just reminiscing on this memory.

But guess what, I’ve never forgotten this saying because of this moment in a high school class.

I especially say it whenever I’m cleaning my fridge.

And I literally said this yesterday to my husband last night because he was asking if it was okay to take Benadryl that’s been expired for two years.

“I don’t know honey, I’ve always known, “when in doubt throw it out.”

That is something I have learned in high school.

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