It’s A Different World For A Female – 5 differences along with a positive outlook

Not too long ago I  had some type of weird pressure, heavy feeling, located on my C-section scar. So of course like most people I turned to google and found many other women who experienced the same sensation with their scar.

Some said they felt the pressure a couple of days before their menstrual cycle, some said it’s normal and never goes away, and a few said to get it checked out.

After reading a few responses I just sat there dumbfounded, and began to think about the hardships of being a women. Or, the inconveniences some may say.

I looked at my husband and said, “You know what, sometimes it’s hard being a woman.”

He kind of laughed at my random comment and said something a long lines of, “do you want to be a man then?”

When I said that to him I just started thinking about the difficulties of being female and then I thought about my daughters. I thought about what they will experience and what they will go through as they get older in life….I pray, I just pray.

I’m not complaining just so you know, I really enjoy being a woman. I believe there are many great upsides to being a female. Although, I can’t help but wonder if I was a guy for a year if I’d still enjoy being a female. I don’t know. But I do know that it’s different world for us.

And hey, men can argue it’s a different world for them too. Which in some ways it is I’m sure. I may do a google search on this later on a mans perspective. I’m a little intrigued now. 


I asked my nephews once if they would ever want to be female and they all responded with a strait up NO. I asked why and their response was “I don’t know”. One of them did say because I don’t want to give birth (hahah).

Lol yeah, I can understand the fear of that. However given birth I also know it’s an experience that can’t really be described.

But as I was saying it’s a completely different world for us if you ask me. To some it’s VERY DIFFERENT. Every woman has her own story.

Here are a just 5 reasons why I believe it’s different for us (Not saying there isn’t more but this what I came up with at the moment)

  1. We Are Constantly Judged And Compared

We are constantly judged on pretty much everything that we do, that most of the time we aren’t even ourselves. Pretty sad. We are competing with another person and in reality, they are competing with someone else. We are trying to be what others want or what we THINK they want.

We are judged on our appearance, what we wear, who are friends are, who are family is, what we say, what we do, etc. Believe it or not, this starts when we are children! Although we aren’t just judged by others, with all of this judging and comparing we begin to fall into this black hole that results in us comparing and judging ourselves. Where as we should always be loving ourselves. But unfortunately that’s not something that is really taught.

2. We Live In Some Type of Weird Comfortable Fear

We know we can’t walk the streets at night by ourselves, we know we can’t meet a new guy somewhere isolated, we prefer females doctors over males, we are careful not to expose too much, we hold our keys between our fingers or carry pepper spray when walking to our car at night, we know to be careful with our drinks at a party, and so on.

We know these things because we are aware of the possible outcomes if we don’t follow these ‘principles’. A little ridiculous to call these principles but we know if we follow these tips they will less likely lead us into harm.

We are seen as easy targets, vulnerable, weak…..and we have to be careful. Being female we know this is how it is and that we have to be completely cautious. Being alert just becomes a way of life.

3. We feel ALL THE FEELS aka We Welcome Our Emotions Differently

As a women I feel, we feel so deeply. We are so in tune with our emotions and expressing ourselves……that it’s exhausting. It almost feels like the rest of the world doesn’t understand. Except other women HA. We are incredibly sensitive creatures with so much to say. We are constantly thinking and just wanting to feel loved and appreciated. We are also incredibly empathetic which I feel takes a toll on us sometimes because we just feel the pain and suffering of others that it just resonates with us.

We are such emotional, and we are known for that. It just who we are. And sometimes, we just feel so much we don’t even know what to do with all these feelings.


Well, as I mentioned we are constantly judged on the way our bodies look. Boob size, butt size, flat tummy, blah blah blah……..a few things many women are insecure about.

I wonder why…

But its not just insecurity. Our bodies remind us once a month that we are women.

Cramps, PMS, tampons, pads, these cycles aren’t exactly convenient for us.

Remember I mentioned childbirth previously? It really is an amazing, indescribable experience. But pregnancy and birth do a number on your body.

The woman’s body is….something very unique and I feel it should be cherished more. No matter what it looks like or has gone through.

5. Half The Time, We Aren’t Taken Seriously

It’s when we use a certain tone or stance and THEN people stop what they are doing and listen or pay attention. But what’s so aggravating about that is we have to use that “certain tone” or whatever to get noticed or heard.

It’s ridiculous.

After a while we get sick of playing nice. We don’t want to do things the hard way or “mean way”, we don’t want to “unleash the beast’  but as a woman, its almost always this way if we want to make or see a change in something. It’s effing annoying.

So yes, this is why I feel it’s a different world for us, however let me share some positive sides to these differences. 

  1. Yes, we are always judged but when you learn to love yourself  as a women… is the most liberating and powerful thing. You become unstoppable and fearless.
  2. We do live in a world where we have to be cautious and careful but I also feel because of this we get to experience more acts of kindness which makes us even BETTER WOMEN. We get our doors opened for us, we get to go first, we receive help when needed, etc…….BECAUSE WE ARE WOMEN.
  3. We do feel so deeply, but I think most women will agree that feeling so deeply is such a privilege. Yeah, feeling hurt and heartache sucks. But feeling love and joy is so amazing. We give all of our heart to things that matter to us and love like no other. That is something very special about us.
  4. It’s pretty normal that we feel insecure about our bodies. But it’s when we finally learn to love this amazing tool that GOD gave us that we gain this type of confidence. And its a beautiful thing that nobody can ever take away.
  5. It is unfortunate to not be taken seriously when we “talk soft”, or to be taken seriously, THE FIRST TIME. However, we know when we need to roar the ground will shake. It scares people, and we love it. Sometimes we even scare ourselves with our own strength and that’s pretty amazing when that happens. We then become unstoppable.


A Message To The Females:












purple lipstick
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9 Grocery Shopping Tips, For A Stress-Free Trip Every time

Every week or every other week most of us will find ourselves at the grocery store. We are either shopping for ourselves, our family, maybe a family gathering coming up, a pot luck, a birthday party….the list goes on.

We have to eat and let’s be real, grocery stores are incredibly convenient! How fortunate are we to have a store that supply’s our food, and does the hard work for us! Huge thank you to the farmers and businesses out there that make providing meals to my family easy and simple! We appreciate you!

But, to be completely honest, grocery shopping isn’t exactly my favorite task to do. I tend to overspend, buy unnecessary items, having crying or antsy toddlers with me, and it usually makes a miserable shopping trip. Which is why I would typically cringe when it was time to make my way to the store.

However I have since then “gained experience” and have figured out ways to have a pleasant trip every time whether I am by myself or with my kids. As well as save money and leave feeling satisfied after every check out.

Below I have 9 tips that will provide ease for your grocery shopping trips and make it stress-free every time. 


  1. MAKE A GROCERY LIST…stick to it and don’t forget it!

This kind of seems like a no brainer but many people don’t make a list before they shop. I use to be one, I’ll admit it. My very organized husband got me into the habit of making a list every time and for that I am so grateful!

Many eye their fridge and cabinets and assume they will remember everything they need. Unfortunately, it’s not until they are already home where they realize they forgot the most important stuff. ugh! Talk about the worst! If you are going with your kids a list is crucial! As kids are super distracting when trying to shop for necessary items.

When you make your list try to categorize your items with the different aisles or sections. That way you aren’t running around from one side of the store to another. We’ve all been there, and it’s very frustrating.

tip: Throughout the week keep a pen and paper handy in your kitchen. When you notice you are out of something or in need of something write it down so you don’t forget it on your list. Once this habit is installed you won’t ever forget your list and you will get into the habit of only buying what you need. 

2. Avoid Grocery Shopping On The Weekends

Why would I say avoid grocery shopping on the weekends…because it’s usually busy AF.

If you decide to shop on the weekends you should expect crowds, long lines and bagging your own groceries. Don’t even get me started with bagging my own groceries.

I personally enjoy grocery shopping when it’s less busy and I’m not having to squeeze past people.

tip: If you can only shop on the weekends I suggest going early morning or late evening. It’s so peaceful and there’s barely anyone. My personal favorite.

3. Review The Weekly AD

Let the AD become your grocery shopping companion. You should get the grocery AD once a week in your mailbox. That’s like your grocery shopping jackpot. It tells you what’s on sale, displays items that have digital coupons and more!

Another thing I never took advantage of that my husband got me into. He rocks.

Once we get the AD I review it and circle whatever interests I have in the AD. It’s a great way to save money and who doesn’t like to save money. Every penny counts these days.

tip: Download the APP for your grocery store. Not all coupons are advertised, always check the APP as well for more money saving deals. 

4. Don’t Go To The Grocery Store HUNGRY

Grocery shopping and hunger are just not a good mix as most of us know. I will throw everything in the shopping cart when I am hungry and it’s usually not the healthiest food.

I highly advise avoiding hunger shopping if at all possible. It’s one way to avoid spending more money then you intended.

tip: Eat before you go, and feed your children before you go. If you must, bring a few snacks with you.

5. Get A Rein Check

Have you ever seen a smokin deal and you go to look for the product and its completely gone!! Like what gives!! It happens every once in awhile and when this happens ask for a rein check!

I had never heard of a grocery shopping rein check before. I gotta say, I love employees that inform their shoppers of things they have been missing out on.

When there is a great deal going and you find out they are out of stock you feel like you missed out. However, you don’t have to miss out anymore, just ask for a rein check.

At check out let your cashier know what you need a rein check on and they will provide a small slip that will honor that price for a certain amount of time, so next time you go to the store and see the product, you will still get the sale price! CHA-CHING.

tip: To avoid this mishap go shopping in the morning or find out your grocery stores restock days.

6.  Take The Free Food To Distract Your Kids

You fed your kid or kids and they are still being squirmy. You have to mentally prepare when shopping with your kids. They are like little ticking time bombs. And if you’re lucky, they don’t explode.

I love our grocery store because in the produce department we have a little thing set up for kids that offers free fruit. I didn’t know about this until an actual produce guy walked me over and showed me. It has been a lifesaver in many occasions. Our bakery also gives out free cookies! You have to ask for a cookie, it’s not advertised, but again, lifesaver.  And SOMETIMES there’s even an older man making popcorn for people!

All you have to do is ask the employees.

Not all stores do it because of allergies but its worth finding out if your store offers some goodies to keep your children distracted for a bit. And it’s also something for them to look forward to, IF they behave.

tip: If your grocery store doesn’t offer anything like this ALWAYS bring a few snacks OR let them bring a play shopping cart. One of my daughters loves to push around her shopping cart. I put a few items in there and I know she loves that she’s helping. GREAT DISTRACTION.

7. Bring A Shopping Buddy

A shopping buddy is essential for me. I have two toddlers and I just never like to chance it with them. Even before I had kids I would invite friends to shop with me. We would grab a coffee, catch up and shop together. It definitely makes the trip more enjoyable.

My parents help me big time with my shopping trips. It’s a fun way to spend time with their grandkids and they get their shopping done too. It’s a win win.

tip: If you bring a buddy break your list in half. One goes one way, one goes the other and you get out of the store in half the time! Score! Treat them to a happy hour! Or invite them over and make them a meal.

8. Create A Meal Plan For The Week

Meal planning will help you avoid food going to waste. I’m not saying you need to have a meal planned from Monday-Sunday, even I’m not that organized. Although I wish I was…….*sigh*

What I’m saying is review your pantry, fridge, cabinets, lazy susan, etc before you go shopping. Look for the items that have just been sitting there for quite some time, make sure they aren’t expired, and search on pinterest or google for meal ideas for that particular food item.

For example, right now I have bread crumbs that have sitting around for however long, a can of pumpkin, and a bag of beans. So, maybe this week I’ll make a meatloaf, a pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and, bean and cheese burritos.

On my grocery list I’ll add the additional ingredients I need to get to make those specific meals.

Too often we buy items and they just end up sitting there till they expire! What a waste of money! Or they get buried between other items and we completely forget about them! It does happen, but you can avoid this by reviewing your cabinets and meal planning.

Tip: Review your Pantry once a week or every 2 weeks to avoid clutter in your cabinets and fridge. As well as avoiding wasted food. And search on pinterest for meal ideas when you can’t think of anything to make with something specific you have. I absolutely love pinterest for this very reason!

9. Have A Budget In Mind

Have a budget in mind, but allow yourself a little wiggle room in case you go over. There have been times I have been embarrassed to tell my husband how much I have spent in groceries. Partly because I didn’t follow these previous tips.

I would go hungry, I would buy things we already had but I forgot, I wasn’t taking advantage of the deals or coupons that I had, if it looked good or sounded good I would buy it, and overall I just wasn’t being the greatest shopper with what I was buying.

Buy only items you need or will use and start keeping track on the average amount of money you are spending. Whatever items you buy often, (exp. milk, bread, butter, peanut butter, etc.)  stock up when it’s on sale.

Going in with a budget will provide peace of mind and allow you to be more in control and less stressed at check out because you already know how much you will be spending.

tip: On many of the grocery apps it tells you exactly how much an item is. You can make a your grocery list and have a total before you even go. If you need to adjust it, you can do it so it fits your family’s budget before you shop.


person carrying basket of vegetables
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That’s all I have folks. If you have any other tips or tricks for a more pleasant grocery shopping trip please comment! I’d love to hear how it can get better!


HAPPY SHOPPING! Wishing you stress free trips every time!




15 MUST DO’S Every Fall Season

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s the closing of a chapter while beginning a new one.

A time to celebrate and embrace the change that surrounds us. The external and the internal.

Fall is a cocktail made of comfort, peace, and complete gratitude. Always sure to give you the warm and fuzzies.

I have put together a list to make every Fall memorable for you and your family or friends!



 I feel like this is a given but I know it’s not! I had only ever gone to the pumpkin patch when I had my first born. Before that I just never went. Why? I have no idea! I always just got my pumpkin at the grocery store or some little pumpkin stand on the side of the road. But oh my goodness, the pumpkin patch is its own experience! They are so fun!

Go with your family or a group of friends for a great time! You won’t be sorry!

Note: Most of the pumpkin patches in town or in your town have special features or special events on specific dates. Be sure to look it up and take advantage! Start planning now and mark your calendar.

2. Carve/Paint Pumpkins

Okay, I mention this because how many of you leave the pumpkin carving to someone else. Guilty! I NEVER carve the pumpkin, I don’t know why. Probably because my husband is way better at it than me but this year I am determined!

Make it a contest with your family members or host a pumpkin carving party! Most grocery stores offer pumpkin carving kits to make it that much easier for you!

3. Toast Pumpkin Seeds

What to do with all those seeds after carving that beautiful pumpkin….hmmmm.

Don’t throw away the pumpkin seeds after carving your pumpkin! TOAST THEM! You can find such delicious recipes online! Plus pumpkin seeds are actually really good for you. Toss them in a salad or use as some type of fall recipe topping. Yum.

4. HOST A BONFIRE and make s’mores

Nothing says Fall like a bonfire and some s’mores!

If you don’t want to host one that’s ok, encourage one of your friends to host one! Spend the evening with your friends or family reminiscing while being cozy near the fire.

Maybe add some spiked cider in there as well.

5. Take Advantage Of Everything SEASONAL

I’m talking seasonal. Examples would be soaps, candles, foods, events, drinks,you get the idea! Everything SEASONAL!

All these things are only here for a limited time so if you enjoy Fall stuff as much as me then I suggest stocking up! Pumpkin candles and flavors are my absolute favorite! And of course all the Fall flavors that come out at Starbucks.

6. Make A Homemade Apple Pie

When I think fall I think apples and pumpkins. Make an apple pie or pumpkin pie from scratch! And share it with a friend.

7. Try 3 New “Fall” Recipes

Pinterest is full of fall recipe inspiration! Pick at least 3 new recipes to try!

Here’s something to get you started, PUMPKIN SPICE DONUT BITES

Make some for your friends or your neighbors! You know they will love it!

8. Get A Massage

I really don’t know if getting a massage is a Fall thing. But I could really use a professional full body massage and I’m making it a note to get one!


I know you have it in you!

Make a fall wreathe, knit a scarf, get started on a homemade Halloween costume. If you visit Michaels or Hobby Lobby you are SURE to find something fun to make or get started on!

10. Get Started On Christmas Shopping!

Where are my procrastinators at! Just start, do it! Begin that list ! This is what I’m telling myself!

I can’t be doing last minute Christmas shopping anymore. Fall is for shopping.

11. Make A Fall Drink

Oh man, there are so many festive drinks out there! One for whatever you are craving. Invite a friend over and have a cocktail hour!

I have my eye on caramel apple sangria!

12. Get Cozy With A Good Book Or Two

Snuggly jammies, coffee, and a good book. A perfect Fall recipe for any time of the day.

13. Plan Family Pictures

I personally think Fall is the perfect time for family pictures. I love Fall apparel, I love Fall colors, and I love the scenery that takes place in the Fall.

Plus, if you take Fall family pictures they can also serve as your Christmas card picture, if you choose to do them!

14. Go To A Festival

So many fun events take place in the Fall and it’s time to take advantage.

Do a search on google or social media to find out what will be happening in your town or city!

15. Enjoy A Getaway

Take time for yourself or with your family or friends. Whether it be a staycation or a full blown trip. Take some time to escape and enjoy! You definitely deserve it.

My husband and I love camping and about two years ago we went to Disneyland in the Fall, which was a real treat. If you love Disneyland and Fall then you NEED to plan a trip ASAP if you haven’t already experienced FALL AT DISNEYLAND.

 I hope this list inspires you in some way! What will you be doing this Fall!?

Whatever you do, enjoy it surrounded with family and good friends.